Locally-owned family roofing company or “THE BIG CHAIN/OUT OF TOWN COMPANIES”?

When choosing a contractor to complete your roofing project, the choice typically comes down to groups: Locally-owned “mom and pop” companies or large national/out-of-town companies.

Locally owned roofing companies offer the opportunity to get the best value for your roofing project, from a quality, customer service and financial standpoint. 

Without the huge overhead, travel and advertising budgets, local companies are often able to offer the best roofing solution at a fraction of the cost as a large national company. Not only can local companies offer a better price-point, your opinion matters to them. When dealing with locally owned companies reputation is everything and customer service is at the forefront of the company’s culture. Often locally owned companies employ your neighbors, which means not only are they typically tenured employees, they also know local building codes which ensures a smooth completion to your project. Finally and most importantly, when you do business with a local company, the money stays in the community and supports other local organizations. 

Storm Chasers or larger regional companies typically take the “Big-Box” approach to customer service (you are a number), and unfortunately that typically comes with a “boutique” price. What’s that mean? Big price-tags with little to no customer service. This becomes a huge issue when you have problems with your newly installed roof, the guy that sold you the roof lives 3 states away (probably quit a month ago), and they have already pulled out of town with your hard-earned money! Are you willing to gamble that they will come back? 


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